Physician-informed solutions to care for your family member living with dementia to provide connection and calm
Tired of feeling uncertain and disconnected in your care for your family member living with dementia?
I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next!
Not sure what the diagnosis of dementia means and what is the “right” care path? Take our free Care Partner Assessment to prioritize the best actions to develop a personal care plan that works for you and your family.
Do you feel like you’ve lost your family member or yourself as you’ve taken on the role of care partner? Read our The Joy of Caring, building a team for you and your family, and getting help now blogs to help you with a feeling of connection.
Ready to dive a bit deeper? Watch our free Caring, Connection, and Calm in the Dementia Journey Webinar for simple but powerful steps to eliminate uncertainty and create a clear path for prioritizing care.

Hi, I’m Dr Anne, and I want to help you find the care that feels close, connected and calm.
I’m a dementia specialist learning and traveling together with many families on the dementia journey. I discovered care can be delivered with confidence, caring, and calm. That helped me when my family partnered with my mother living with dementia. And I want to share all I’ve learned with you so that you can find the peace, love and connection that the journey may bring. Want to learn more about me?